Monday, June 17, 2013

Movie Reviews - Get the Popcorn Ready!

Today I wanted to do a few movie reviews, I have to preface this by saying that I am a huge scary movie buff and I’m an even bigger cheesy movie buff. For example, some of my favorite movies are the world-is-ending disaster movie types, like: Armageddon, Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow and Dawn of the Dead, just to name a few. We’ve watched quite a few new movies in the past months and I watched what might be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, “Killing Them Softly” starring yours truly, Brad Pitt. It was a terrible, boring movie and I’m still upset I lost that hour and a half of my life!

Anyway, so this past weekend we watched “Mama.” Starring a bunch of people I’ve never heard of and basically it’s about two little girls that get lost and end up in the woods for five years, when they are rescued they keep saying they had a “mama” who is really a ghost, a ghost woman who just wants to raise the girls like animals and be a mom. Yea I know, really weird.  The previews definitely made this movie out to be 10x better then it was, we pretty much laughed and rolled our eyes the entire time. On a scale of just how much wine you might want to have handy if you decide to sit through this I’d suggest at least a bottle. Terrible, just terrible!

Then, a few weeks ago we watched “Sinister” starring Ethan Hawke and then some other people I’ve never heard of. Now this was actually a really good, scary movie. The ending was kind of stupid, which is why I think the movie technically “bombed” but the plot, the twists and the scary parts were all awesome. I covered my eyes at least three or four times and screamed out loud twice. If you’re looking for something to keep you up at night definitely bring this little treasure out, you won’t regret it. I’d say one to two glasses of vino is all you’ll need for company.  Eeee just looking at the movie poster gives me chills!

And then, a few weeks before that I had watched “Knowing” with good old Nicolas Cage. This one was truly a disappointment, it was one of those movies that keeps you on your toes the whole time and then the ending happens and your left staring at the screen with your mouth wide open thinking “Why, Why, WHY did it end like that?” I had real chills throughout this movie, but I would not recommend it simply because the ending made me want to scream at anyone in sight. If you’re ever bored, I guess I would say go ahead and endure, but don’t say I didn’t warn you! One bottle of wine recommended here.
So what moves would I recommend? I have way too many favorites to list, or to recommend, so I narrowed it down to my favorite top ten movies. Believe me; it was hard to get down to a list of ten!! If you’re ever in the mood for a good movie night, pick any one of these and you’ll be set. As for wine, I’d say as many glasses as you’d like, these movies rock and you’re gonna love them! So, in no particular order:
1.       The Dark Knight
2.       The Italian Job
3.       A Beautiful Mind
4.       A Time to Kill
5.       The Little Mermaid
6.       Dirty Dancing
7.       The First Wives Club
8.       Forest Gump
9.       Father of the Bride
10.     The Perfect Storm

I know this list seems all over the place and that’s because it is, but I guess it just depends what you’re in the mood for, do you want to cry, do you want to laugh, do you want to really cry, do you want to be on the edge of your seat etc. Either way, I don’t think any of the movies I listed will disappoint you!

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