Friday, January 24, 2014

The Countdown Continued!

So after my return to Virginia from Alabama in August I had a great sense of accomplishment and readiness for the wedding. Almost everything was finalized and it was now time to sit back and relax. This was how I timed my planning all along; I wanted the last few months to be spent in complete relaxation and excitement for the big day! We were down to just 60 days :) I purchased a delicious white chocolate and coconut cake from our local grocery store and added some candles to it! I surprised Mr. Tan Lines with it when he got home from work :)  The picture in the background was taken in May 2011 at Virginia Beach. We had been dating for only a month and Mr. Tan Lines swept me off my feet and took me away for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. We had a fabulous trip and it brought us even closer together!

I also purchased a coloring book, I find coloring to be so so relaxing! Mr. Tan Lines thought it was very elementary school but I thoroughly enjoyed it! There’s nothing better than hanging out with a glass of wine, a coloring book and your favorite music. Here is one of the master pieces I created!

Around this time too I was leaving work and spotted this amazing sun/cloud picture. I felt like it was God looking down on everyone and saying Hello :)

And lastly, you know there has to be a Miss Lily update! Here she is at a little more than 5 months dancing with dad! She had gotten so tall by then, she also started what we called “counter surfing.” Meaning she was now tall enough to reach the food on the counters, causing us to purchase baby gates to eliminate the threat to our dinners!

Well Happy Friday everyone! I am so excited for this weekend, we are celebrating Mr. Tan Lines 28th birthday! It was technically last week but I don’t feel like he got the proper celebration since we were traveling. I am taking him to a romantic French style restaurant tonight and tomorrow we are having friends over to play games and hang out!  I will be cooking up some fabulous meals so I will be sure to share the recipes on Monday! Talk you all then! 

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